Ben Spencer

Ben has a passion for blending design and writing into a cohesive product narrative. An advocate for research, strategy, and discovery at the front end of any project, Ben excels in high-level thinking about how to most effectively tell a brand’s story in an authentic and relevant way.

Ben received Bachelor’s degrees in Film Studies and Religion from Whitman College, as well as a Master’s in Education from Lipscomb University. He studied UX Design and Content Strategy at General Assembly before joining Fresh’s team in January 2016.

Outside of work, Ben enjoys reading voraciously, watching horror movies, playing video games, and building his skill as an aspiring novelist. He spends every second he can with his wife and his two beloved Boxer dogs, California and Tennessee.

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Innovation as a Service, Product Development, Product Strategy, Systems Design

Medical Device Engineering and Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

Medical device engineering: Tactical guidance and core strategic benefits Ground-breaking healthcare services—from surgical robots to AI-powered diagnostic tools—illustrate how emerging technologies enable the rapid evolution of the medical device engineering field. How can medical device startups and established industry players keep up as innovation accelerates?  In our experience, medical device development companies can deliver product
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AI/Machine Learning, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Innovation as a Service, UX/UI Design

Smart Branch Strategy and Enhanced Customer Experience in Banking

The smart branch and its role in branch transformation Building a “smart branch”—or multiple smart branches—is pivotal to broader branch transformation efforts for many banks.  A smart branch strategically improves the banking customer experience by enhancing the physical in-person experience, leveraging emerging digital technologies, or, most commonly, combining the two. Successful branches are more than
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Digital Transformation, Innovation as a Service, Innovation Sprints

Ports of the Future: Three Examples of Global Leaders

In a previous post exploring ports of the future, we discussed the imperative for port innovation. A lightning recap: port innovation (new ideas, methods, and activities to transform the status quo) is essential for these institutions to address common challenges, including, among many others: Ports worldwide are answering the call—a prime example is five ports
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AI/Machine Learning, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Innovation as a Service, Innovation Sprints

Branch Transformation: A Primer for Modern Banks

Branch transformation strategy and the challenge of earning customer loyalty “Branch transformation” focuses on increasing customer satisfaction and organizational performance by improving physical and digital experiences at bank branches. In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving banking landscape, it has become a critical endeavor for banks and other customer-facing financial institutions seeking to:  Bank branch transformation—which institutions can scale
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AI/Machine Learning, Mobile App Development, Software, Technology Architecture, Web App Development, Website Development

Beyond Code: How Fresh’s Software Developers Build Real-World Solutions

For the last three years, a group of Fresh software developers have gathered weekly during lunch on Tuesdays. They call themselves the Architect Club. Some members meet in a conference room at Fresh’s Bellevue, Washington home base. Others dial in from cities including San José, Costa Rica and Blumenau, Brazil. You wouldn’t know the group
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Mobile App Development, UX/UI Design, Web App Development

Revolutionizing team training with the Team Nation app

In a recent project, we worked with Moonshot Sports to revolutionize how teams are taught, trained, and coached. The Team Nation App provides a new way to access sports playbooks inline, with the needs of modern users: Not just by reading but through interaction and gamification. When they came to Fresh, that was an essential
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