Ben Spencer

Ben has a passion for blending design and writing into a cohesive product narrative. An advocate for research, strategy, and discovery at the front end of any project, Ben excels in high-level thinking about how to most effectively tell a brand’s story in an authentic and relevant way.

Ben received Bachelor’s degrees in Film Studies and Religion from Whitman College, as well as a Master’s in Education from Lipscomb University. He studied UX Design and Content Strategy at General Assembly before joining Fresh’s team in January 2016.

Outside of work, Ben enjoys reading voraciously, watching horror movies, playing video games, and building his skill as an aspiring novelist. He spends every second he can with his wife and his two beloved Boxer dogs, California and Tennessee.

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Community, Design, Fresh Culture, Hardware, Software, Strategy

“Our Time. Our Turn. Our Future”: The Role of Internships in Empowering Young People to Change the World

Across the globe, a generation of young people is doing amazing things. Lujain Alqattawi created “Sparkle,” an organization that offers online English lessons for children including those living in refugee camps.  Alena Wicker, creator of “The Brown STEM Girl” website––offering advocacy and mentorship for girls of color in STEM––is both the youngest Black person to
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Software, Technology Architecture

Using Terraform to Overcome Critical Cloud Challenges

Terraform is a software tool that drastically simplifies building cloud infrastructure with security tools, cost-effective resources, and optimized workflows. Empowering development teams to treat “infrastructure as code,” Terraform enables configurations and changes to be version controlled, audited, and replicated, rather than requiring a team to use web interfaces to configure cloud and on-premise infrastructure.  Due
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Digital Transformation, Innovation as a Service, Innovation Sprints, Systems Design

Digital Transformation Strategy: An Actionable Roadmap

Digital transformation strategy across industries If you Google “digital transformation,” you’ll find a definition in the sidebar: “the adoption of digital technology by an organization to digitize non-digital products, services, or operations.” What a mouthful! Let’s keep it simple, in our effort to accurately explore the what and why of digital transformation strategy. Digital transformation
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Web App Development

Getting Started with Enterprise Resource Planning Software

What is enterprise resource planning software? Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is exploding in prominence, with the trend expected to continue over the next decade: These numbers are promising for creators of ERP software, like our in-house development team. The bottom line for software development companies is that there’s enormous value to tap into. But the
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Website Development

A Hub for Fresh’s Web Development Services

Over 5 billion people use the internet today, more than 60% of the world’s population. Given the internet’s enormous popularity, we believe that Jakob Nielsen’s classic piece of advice about web development from May 11, 2002, still holds true today: “Homepages are the most valuable real estate in the world. Each year, companies and individuals
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Design, Software, Website Development

Web Design for Tech Companies: Key Principles for Market Success

Websites have dozens of purposes, from showcasing brands to e-commerce, creative portfolios, and creating buzz around entertainment news, media, and the latest tech innovations. These are just a few of the dozens of website categories, but they’re equally impacted by a common factor: high-quality web design.  Regardless of your category, to make your website excel
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