Band of Hands
A new standard for hire quality

From their name to their digital identity, we helped define an emerging player in the shared economy space
The Challenge
Band of Hands needed a holistic digital agency that could be trusted to name, design, and build their web and mobile presence from the ground up. What began as a naming challenge using Invent Value turned into a full redesign using cutting-edge web development tools and our vetted principles of UX design. The challenge involved thinking through a broad, holistic overhaul of a brand across all digital touchpoints and customer interactions.
Our Solution
In an initial discovery phase, Fresh researchers conducted extensive competitor analysis to inform the Band of Hands brand specs, including complete guidelines for colors, typography, imagery, style, and tone. Fresh designers built on the body of research to create a simplified, user-friendly UI that emphasized Band of Hands’ core service offering.
The Fresh development team finished the job, architecting the back-end infrastructure, the middle-tier layer of APIs and functional unit testing, and the entire front-end experience with AngularJS. We also created the iOS application with Swift.
Key Contributors
A design-led approach to branding and product differentiation
The initial project began with a naming challenge using our proprietary innovation tool, Invent Value. Throughout a three-stage process of ideating, collaborating, and evaluating with the Fresh team and Band of Hands stakeholders, we were hired to continue the work, rebuilding the brand and its products with a design-first methodology.
A unified style guide ensured that all elements of the brand and customer touchpoints were seamless. From the colors of the UI to the voice and tone of the messaging, we consulted Band of Hands on how to target their users intentionally and create effective pathways into their unique product. Any place the Band of Hands brand is accessed, the customer experience is familiar and intuitive.

Principle-driven development for a highly scalable product
Our development effort was full-stack: from the back-end to the middle-tier APIs and front-end interface, the Fresh team handled everything. The form of the design and the functionality of the tech needed to align in order to give Band of Hands a leg up on the competition in a competitive marketplace, and we ensured cross-team collaboration to strike an effective balance.
Fresh software architects and mobile strategists spent time understanding Band of Hands’ user base and their team’s internal development capabilities. In every project that involves development, the Fresh team prioritizes hand-off and scalability: our goal is to empower clients to maintain and expand their products as their user base grows, which was a key emphasis during our engagement with Band of Hands.