Jeff Dance
Jeff is Founder and CEO of Fresh Consulting. Formerly a Strategy & Operations Consultant at Deloitte Consulting, Jeff brings years of experience in the creative design and digital technology space, building teams and overseeing hundreds of digital projects.
3 pillars every organization/team must address for effective innovation
People, Process, and Technology are essential pillars for effective Innovation in any organization/team and each must be addressed separately and integrated collectively to assure innovative results What’s included in People? People includes the rewards and incentives, environment and culture, leadership and examples. Companies have long boxed innovation into the R&D department. Not until recently have
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Digital Transformation, Innovation, Innovation as a Service, Innovation Sprints
7 key sources and 7 key ingredients CENTRIC to Innovation
7 key sources and 7 key ingredients CENTRIC TO Innovation C: Creatives and Creativity: You may be born creative…many are. Or you may learn creativity…many do. Either way, the art of “new” starts with you. E: Entrepreneurs and Enthusiasm: Entrepreneurs have long been known for Innovation. An entrepreneur’s secret ingredient–an undying enthusiasm that gives them
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Innovation as a Service, Innovation Sprints
30+ Definitions of “Innovation”
What is Innovation? 30+ definitions lead to one fresh summary: Fresh Thinking that Creates Value The Problem From the Economist to Wikipedia to Websters to Barack Obama to Innovation Zen, around the globe, we seek tangible answers for an intangible question: What is Innovation? Definitions vary and people mean different things. After reviewing dozens of
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