
11 of Our Favorite JavaScript Developer Tools


From JavaScript debugging tools to our favorite JS libraries, here are some of the resources that enable us to write better, cleaner code. Eight of Fresh’s devs weigh in on their choices for JavaScript developer tools.

1. ESLint helps everyone to write clean JavaScript code!

-Steve, CTO

2. Client/Server data synchronization library for Node.js I created that handles all communication between server and client, suitable for real-time applications and games.

Sirius, Front-End Developer


3. postcss/autoprefixer for parsing CSS and adding vendor prefixes to rules.

Chris G, Full-Stack Developer

4. JSFiddle is like a scratch pad for easily testing your JavaScript ideas or theories.

Ryan, Full-Stack Developer

5. Plunker–great for prototyping testing ideas.

-John, .NET Developer


6. Chrome’s dev tools for easily debugging JavaScript errors and identifying performance bottlenecks. 

-Steve, CTO; and Elisha, Front-End Developer

7. co uses generators to treat promises as synchronous actions in Node.js.

-Chris G, Full-Stack Developer

8. jsperf for comparing processing performances between different coding approaches.

-Elisha, Front-End Developer

9. Babel, a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.

-Chris G, Front-End Developer

10. Codewars challenges you to up your skills for writing better JS.

-Jesse, Front-End Developer

11. Codepen to test out HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code with a beautiful interface, and its recently added feature lets you debug without needing an additional window open.

-Ray, Full-Stack Developer


Anna McCallon

Senior Marketing Coordinator

Anna has worked in marketing for over a decade, and prior to joining Fresh, focused in SEO. She has a BA in Creative Writing from Seattle University and a Certificate in Editing from University of Washington.

Outside of work, she loves DIY crafting, reading, and horror movies.