
Fresh show at Seattle Snow Day


The Fresh Consulting team gathered Saturday afternoon in a show of teamliness and sport to celebrate the arrival of 2013 and participate in  Snow Day, Seattle’s attempt to break the world record for the largest snowball fight in history.

The group convened at Icon Grill in full-force to enjoy lunch with family and friends, and fortify for the event with a mass of Ultimate Macaroni and Cheese and other decadent entrees.

Following food and fanfare over the team’s growing collection of little ones, a select number of Fresh staff walked to the Seattle Center to meet with around 6,000 other record-setters in Seattle’s attempt to break the Guinness World Record for largest snowball fight.

As we shuffled inside the chain-linked event partition, several among us overheard apprehensions over the volume of received snow, or more accurately, the apparent diffusion of available snowy resources as the day progressed. The snow had a faint sheen of melt that inevitably made for small, dense snowballs; what would have once felt like an enjoyable thump of hand-packed snow felt more like a rock to one’s side.

Despite the decidedly solid snowballs, Seattle prevailed and took the record from Taebaek, Republic of Korea who had 5,387 people in their January 22, 2010 snowball fight.

While the Fresh team was pleased to be part of the world record-breaking event, the macaroni and cheese made the most positive impact.


Alexandra Matthiesen