Fresh AngularJS Hackathon

Last weekend, five of our Front-End Developers gathered together to build AngularJS applications. Each developer worked on prototyping their own application using one or more public API services.
We are all experienced WordPress developers who build marketing-oriented client websites on daily basis. We recently realized that AngularJS would be a great standard framework for us to learn as a team.
To prepare for the AngularJS Hackathon, we all went through company-sponsored training using resources like CodeSchool and Some of us already had good experience with AngularJS and were able to help the rest get up to the speed. Experienced developers also came up with AngularJS coding exercises on CodePen and Plunker to practice coding on a smaller scale.
I started working at Fresh when we only had a few developers. So it’s really exciting that our team has grown and can host in-house hackathon like this where we learn new skills together. We got a lot of great feedback from the event:
“I was extremely happy with the results of the hackathon! AngularJS is fairly new to me, but I was immediately happy with my decision to go with AngularJS for building my app idea. I’m excited to finish out the project and continue to learn more tips and tricks along the way.”– Johnny Rodriguez
“Using the customized ng-boilerplate alongside postman took at lot of WAT out of the process of sending API queries and displaying the result with angular.”– Jesse Bufkin
“It was a great experience to further my knowledge and gain new skills. I love Fresh for pushing me to my best potential.”– Chris Allen
It was great to talk to a group of people about something I’ve been learning on my own for months. I wasn’t doing everything wrong!”– Dave Reese
At Fresh Consulting, we definitely like to stay ‘fresh’ with where new web technologies are concerned. We try our best to provide learning resources and encourage our developers to openly share their knowledge with, and learn from, each other. If you join our team, you will learn something new all the time.