
Azure Development

Microsoft Azure cloud service is a powerful infrastructure solution that provides a quick and effective way to deploy solutions across a variety of languages (.Net, PHP, Java, Node.js, Python). By offering these platforms as a service (PaaS/IaaS), they can easily scale to meet demand at a cost cheaper than traditional hosting. Beyond traditional app services, Azure also provides a wide variety of services to maximize cloud potential.

The benefits of Azure Development

Continuous Integration

Azure App Services integrated with several version control systems (TFS, Git, Bitbucket), allowing code updates to be automatically tested and deployed immediately.

Exponential Scalability

Azure developers able to add and remove services with a few clicks. Increase or decrease the resources allocated to a service using a simple configuration interface and have the changes applied in minutes.

Extensive tools and integrations

Media encoding and streaming, search indexes, cloud file storage, virtual machines, analytics, remote apps, and many more tools speed development time and features.

Continuous Integration

Azure App Services integrated with several version control systems (TFS, Git, Bitbucket), allowing code updates to be automatically tested and deployed immediately.

Exponential Scalability

Azure developers able to add and remove services with a few clicks. Increase or decrease the resources allocated to a service using a simple configuration interface and have the changes applied in minutes.

Extensive tools and integrations

Media encoding and streaming, search indexes, cloud file storage, virtual machines, analytics, remote apps, and many more tools speed development time and features.