Invent Value and COVID-19: Workshop From Home

As the global community responds to the rapid changes brought about by the novel coronavirus’ spread, we are all adapting to challenges in our new work environments.
The team at Fresh, creators of Invent Value, is committed to making innovation collaboration tools accessible to more organizations around the world. That’s why we’re offering free access to Invent Value, our online innovation platform, to education and non-profit organizations for the next six months.
Invent Value is a digital platform designed to empower the ideation, collaboration, and evaluation of new ideas through online challenges. Users create prompts around a specific challenge area, then invite participants to contribute ideas, discuss their thinking, and vote on the best ideas to move forward.
As more and more groups of collaborators find themselves working in a decentralized fashion, Invent Value can help teams continue workshopping, allowing participants to contribute on their own schedule. It’s ideal for:
- Different levels of an organization contributing ideas and solving problems together
- Distributed working on the same challenge, across time zones or with differing remote schedules
- Gathering feedback and evaluating the right ideas to move forward
We are hopeful new modes of collaboration will spur creative problem solving around both new, pressing challenges our global community faces and the “business as usual” of innovation and creativity.
If you are part of a non-profit or education organization, please fill out the contact form on the Invent Value website to get approved for access. Otherwise, please reach out to the team at Fresh if there is any way that we can help.