Steve Hulet

Steve is the Co-Founder and CTO at Fresh. A former Software Engineer at Amazon with over 12 years of web development experience, Steve provides technical, architectural, and engineering oversight to projects. Steve is responsible for all technology reviews related to websites. His specialities include programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, and PHP, and technology software including Eclipse, GLPK, jQuery, Linux, and MATLAB. Steve’s skills include automation, databases, linear programming, optimization, and testing, all of which he uses in conjunction with Fresh’s digital strategists provide innovative solutions to clients.

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Expertise, Mobile App Development, Software, Technology Architecture, Web App Development, Website Development

Angular vs React: Which is Right for Your Project?

Every time a web page goes beyond being static – to interactive maps, animated graphics, and dynamic video – JavaScript is likely under the hood. But there are different frameworks and libraries for JavaScript, and this has led to a fierce debate among developers about which technology to choose. Two Technologies, One Goal At the
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Design, Expertise, UX/UI Design

Get Ready for GDPR

What is GDPR? We live in an age where the security of user data – what is both provided and collected – is becoming increasingly important. And measures are being taken to ensure that companies comply with best practices. On May 25th, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will go into effect. GDPR is
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Expertise, Software, Website Development

6 Things to Look For in a Web Hosting Provider

People often ask us who we recommend for web hosting. Different needs dictate different solutions but there are some universal requirements which almost always need to be met. We have client sites running on many different hosting providers but rather than discuss specific companies let’s go over what we recommend looking for in a web
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Expertise, Software, Website Development

9 Steps for Moving Sites Between Servers

Technical needs change over time. To have a better optimized website, this may mean migrating your website to a different server. Perhaps you’ve found a server more conducive to efficiency and performance, and you need guidance about how to switch. While it may seem like more hassle than it’s worth, moving your site isn’t as
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Expertise, Software, Website Development

Announcing Fresh Consulting’s WCAG 2.0 PHPCS Linter

Today, Fresh Consulting is announcing the release of our WCAG 2.0 PHPCS Linter. The linter is a set of rules (or sniffs) for PHP Code Sniffer which can automatically detect and alert when certain WCAG 2.0 violations are detected in code. WCAG 2.0 supports designers and developers in meeting the guidelines and success criteria of accessibility. The
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Expertise, Website Development

My Favorite WordPress CLI Commands

The WordPress Command Line Interface (WP-CLI) is one of my favorite tools for working with WordPress sites. The WP-CLI gives me quick and direct access to many common WordPress management tasks. While there are many great tutorials on how to install and use WP-CLI I wanted to share a few of the commands I use
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