Christopher Suárez

Christopher is an experienced developer with a specialization in front-end, who loves good UX and good-looking UI. He has developed expertise in a wide variety of different technologies for desktop apps, mobile apps, and web apps.

He enjoys listening more than talking and is interested in topics such as coding best practices, finance, and investments, but mostly about videos and e-books that teach him to be a better developer, husband, father, Christian, and human being.

Mobile App Development, Software, Technology Architecture, Web App Development, Website Development

“Una analogía con la ingeniería civil”: Foundational focuses for nearshore software developers

We’ve had amazing conversations with nearshore software developers Kenneth López (on the essential role of communication) and Ewerton Willams (on the importance of business acumen) regarding rounding out one’s practice to offer effective remote support for onshore clients. Christopher Suárez, another one of our nearshore software developers based in Costa Rica, offered his perspective on how his past
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