
.NET/C# Development

The Microsoft .Net platform enables C# software developers to build modern applications that run on any platform (web, mobile, desktop). It provides an extensive library and framework to handle most common tasks. As a compiled language, .Net provides performance and type checking benefits not found in scripting languages.

The benefits of .Net/C# Development

Build or refactor applications

Due to the robust capabilities of the platform, Fresh’s .Net consultants build full-stack sites, applications, or flexible WebAPI platforms using C#. With an extensive background in the technology, we analyze existing applications to identify refactoring improvements.

Optimized for various project types

.Net/C# has both off-the-shelf and from-scratch capabilities. We utilize and customize existing platforms like Umbraco and Sitefinity, depending on the need, or develop an entirely new solution from scratch based if further customization is required.

An evolving technology ecosystem

The .Net/C# platform continually evolves, with new libraries being released at a quick cadence. Fresh developers are up to date with .Net 4.5, MVC 6, EF 7, and vNext 4.5.1. and are equipped to become experts with whatever comes next.

Build or refactor applications

Due to the robust capabilities of the platform, Fresh’s .Net consultants build full-stack sites, applications, or flexible WebAPI platforms using C#. With an extensive background in the technology, we analyze existing applications to identify refactoring improvements.

Optimized for various project types

.Net/C# has both off-the-shelf and from-scratch capabilities. We utilize and customize existing platforms like Umbraco and Sitefinity, depending on the need, or develop an entirely new solution from scratch based if further customization is required.

An evolving technology ecosystem

The .Net/C# platform continually evolves, with new libraries being released at a quick cadence. Fresh developers are up to date with .Net 4.5, MVC 6, EF 7, and vNext 4.5.1. and are equipped to become experts with whatever comes next.